Bird speech II: How would I check

2. července 2008 v 3:31 |  Ars
Long term 3D sound recording on place and in session securing bigger group of same class birds, more persisting and not mixing with new ones too much.
II. Post record software analyse:
  • naming sources (place, voice, time)
  • determining monologues, pairs and discussions (time, word return, thematic return)
  • counting unicate words, phrases and complexity of speech, dialogues
  • identify personal words (only one uses), weed words (too much using)
  • identify limited context words
  • divide vocabulary by daytime, voice characteristics / deviations
  • identify chatterboxes and others
Method used to determine word pattern length may use biggest products of every two silenced sequences.
It would be interresting to suppose same language structure and complexity as human (lets say they learned, or copied), and check key-skeleton fragments against same skeletons generated from czech language corpus.

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