Directed evolution, persistence law

4. července 2008 v 20:12 |  Sapiens
  1. Is evolution based only on random mutations, as is most believed today, or does multiplication process (genetic synthesis) manage some "more probably prosperous innovation" algorithm? This could work also as long term dna-embedded prosperity probability research (as if nature did some research through DNA), what induces more practical question to DNA reverse engineering: does DNA code contain counters (or does it use numbers)?
  2. Infinite internal and external multiplication is one most important natures of multicellulars.
  3. In fact is every individual living being abstract from matter; pure structure moving over expiration-limited platforms. (We replace our flesh with cow's flesh, cow is doing the same to plants - so "we" are static, and flesh is "material flow")
  4. Consciousness as more persistent molecular form in system of competing recursions; appear-jump (Scratch 1): let's have limited mass of atoms, and few external forces, leading to matter transformations at molecular-level. It is very probable, that if single molecule, able to replicate, appears, more of these molecules appear in future at atomary expense of passive molecules. We can suppose the same consequences if self-defending or adapting forms appear in competition of "coded" and replicating molecules. And if "consciousness" or "communication" brings higher level of persistence, and appears in only one occurence between others, it has 99% chance to consume and occupate all system space, until new form appears.
  5. Goal of appear jump theory: this idea may show full evolution process as it was only chemical process, and every particular "innovation" as only "crystallisation jump" with high probability to appear, and temporary certainity to persist.

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