Heresy and poetry

8. července 2008 v 4:24 |  Anima
I'm working on my new pages, developing new system for viewing poems, marking them, and maybe it will have some word-clickthrough module for browsing (which may allow as real relation linking, as 3D poems). I have also thought about enabling both visitor and me to mark poems for "evident psychic-ill". New thought which I added today is that I could make also sentence-click system to mark "relaps pregnant" sentences or parts of poems. This could bring also part of mechanism, which I was thinking before: some "personal integrity checker", which may based on your behaviour on computer compute probability that you are coming wrong psychically. This could do it fragmentary by checking your new poem against items marked as ill / or on thin ice. I am counting on it, because I can find part of my own text which I see now, were signs of what came then. For example month before I felt in belief of telepathy, based on auditory hallucinations, I had only one thought of "breaking security defenses which are in telepathic communication which anyone do but shelter" in one poem. With understanding how belief came out, and how my hallucinations were born in 2007, these two words in poem are evident pointers to weak, risky consciousness.

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