Obama & Haiti scanned for crisis: quark liars, die!

19. ledna 2010 v 18:21 |  Scriptor
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Airport scanners.

I like other people looking my genitals... yoohoo! BTW, if they install USB port to that scanners, I'll absolutely support these antiterror genital viewers! I'll pass and download, and pass and download it again. And then maybe show it on the web and do some exchange portal... and earn huge money on that superbusiness! Think out next and next things like this, You: unknown mr's and ms's of lobby! I'll absolutely agree if it will have USB. And C4 on the chain.

Scan that dead man
Scan that dead dog
Scan that amputee superhero
Scan them all from bombs

We are scanned
You are scanned
Is there anybody else?
Everyone was scanned.

And hopefully
Noone knows
Why those "items"
Can't move from airport

I know
I know

Because it's not scanned yyyyyyet!

Believe to ...
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
even those items are liars


simple pixel liars

bit liars

electron liars

quark liars

who's next?



Dedicated to who agree with airport body scanners, namely to all nazis, in fatal need of global biometry data.

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