Re: The Storage of Emotions

11. srpna 2010 v 15:59 |  Ars
The neural mechanisms involved in emotional learning are well understood a. However, how and where emotional memories are stored is still largely unclearb. Sacco and Sacchetti (p. 649) now show that Pavlovian fear memories are stored in a modality-specific way in the secondary, but not primary, sensory cortices. The site of storage depended on whether the conditioned stimulus was visual, auditory, or olfactory. Only "old," not new, memories were stored in this way, and lesions of secondary cortices, while disrupting the old memories, did not prevent the acquisition of new memories.

This Week in SCIENCE, Volume 329, Issue 5992

B contradicts A, as supposition C stays behind ht A and requires proof B. System of memory storage supposing some "locational" storing would be well understood, or prooved, if the locations were known. Here is just heavily supposed, that memories for different behavioral driving and sensoric system classes is located, what at least takes its opposition to associanistic way of neurophilosophy, which is closer to globalistic, hologram style explanations of all of brain. But there is nothing well understood, until its known where to search this or that memory, what model is appliable on what was found there. These three patterns are not similar to first two sentences.

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