Czech Illegal laws from 2009, EU tasks

21. března 2011 v 16:23 | EndolphinedHitler |  Comparo
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Echo: for what reason and under which security and government-citizen contract is some highly insecure buro covered by law to agregate information from army and geodetics about precise vectors to connect it with agricultural corruption under castration of general inspection buro, to agregate detailed cell-route-road information on persons, with their sexuality and religion, with their languages and education, with their time to go to work, and with their extended nationals. The worse is the pressure to send them relation to home, which is not only registered home or apartement, but just by for this occasion designated law, relation to your place, even if you are now being for week by friend. Is anything statistical in this informational conglomerate, or it appears as proper map of person-place-thoughts? CERN microsensorics and computational hypercapacity to consider, along with sensitivity of single electron being traced on long distances.
Abstract: I recognise big progressive attack on personal information from government, which can be started by masking procedure of ineffective medical insurance structures, then with solving this by paying direct money to doctors, which masked an attack through pharmacy shops, where an information theft was tested. Then in 2009 they destabilised political scene, so that they failed to establish government after votes, so that they established "leadership of specialists". That was selection of prime minister from statistical office Fisher. He was a puppet just to write good legislative, as follows, in order to get all necessary data for corruption infrastructure, through statistical office. They disappeared, and now, we have special register for agriculture lead from city governors, and they require us to write them all our secret data including especially religion and sexuality, under the law violation and tax punishments.
Anti-Pilsen lustration over Czech statistical buro and Informational security check over data refactorisation is first step before declining any punishment for any citizen for any informational sabotage. State made crucial mistakes and money thefts while preparation of people counting procedure, and now with no security over data and regarding another crucial problems with personally intimate information collected and with corruption on outsourcing level, has no real right to steal next money through justice. However, leadership of 2009 Fisher was illegitimate, and so also law about people counting, regarding Pilsen case, is absolutely contra people rights.
See also copy paste 13. (XVII) on medicaments
Case of lighter nonfunctional gass is caused by zoll laws about "registered measurement". Gass in lighters from Third quarter generally cannot make a fire. Lighters here are garbage just in middle of using.
They do not recognize region, just place. They do not recognize birthdate but just birth number. They want to obtain even place of death in other country, under risk of 300$ punishment. Under same risk they require all nationalities, which is not agreeable. Suspection that people counting has separated formulars for foreign citizens. Fund takes minimally 5000$ for information collection failure, and its the same fund, as named for "European communities adaptation". Also Fund takes this money for itself.
They castrated national inspection. And now it should make some controls of causality, undefined.
There is a suck fund called Flower-Medical administrative, which should make for some "ministry" some "advanced" and "control" works in terms of GMO planting from law on agriculture. It also makes undefined controls of causality. That goes securely from european fund.
They modified rounding procedure, in order to support big shops, while they forcing big prices over products. They got billions from supermarkets for this. They also allowed dot prices, which means shopper with good technical equipment can get more money. If I buy two things of price 1.40, i will pay 2.80, which means I pay 3. And they erased small coins, what means, that 2.40 goes to 2, but also, that on return for 2.5 from 10 youll get eight.
Par 22: thing nationalisashn. If a thing was not fallen from owner right about thing in par 21, par 1. dot A. dot B. it can be decided that such thing is nationalised, if a: is under ownership of administration criminal who cannot be under law or b: if is not under such ownership, or is not under ownership at all.
Is there any resolution 2007/43/ES from 28. july about meat? Because it seems to have something to do with Dog marking.
Very good from Union would be to check legislative of fishing and how is applicated. Because here is used "directly usable" instead "with immediate effect".
Change in law of State agricultural and interventional fund. (hey you agriculturer, you see, we all accepted you to have big policemen above)
14. Adaptations supporting mounty zones, or zones with other handicaps.
Person growing even one fruit without evidence is making illegal act. According to par 5. Only for physical persons however: so truck company can grow millions of hectars without any knowledge of system. I met a person who knows a employer who is an local millionaire, growing potatoes. He is able to pay 30$ a day for 12 hours of work, like throwing 30 kilograms of product up to three meter piles.
Control of conditions of good estate in agriculture and environment is made by a Fond. Undefined.
Generally they changed term distribution to transit, overtaking and holding. And they closed the changing. That means everything changed from one to three, whithout any deeper structuralisation, because such law is not structured more than division of terms. By the way holding is not part of distribution.
Agriculture firms have divided law from another ones. They are forced to make paper work for government themselves. Also this evidence is made by local governors, which puts citizens under big pressure of concurrence and corruption.
Interior ministry gives ministry of information system of agricultural firm any information from system of evidence of citizens (including information of sexual orientation)
91. In 3i terms "With prescription of European communities with immediate consequence" to "with directly usable prescription of European communities": which means we can use it in gift-punishment application syntax.
If user of original block or part of original block decides to open grass field for reason of its revitalisation, he must contact ministry, or ensures new grass then, or secures recollecting of grown fruit until 31st of September.
Milk producer (even with two cows) is pressed to notify of any contract changing.
4248 form 5.
Bank under pressed administration, buying or another or another persons persons who having by themself things things and documentation or disponing by information as for example person with halucinations are pressed to give them to person who makes rating on the bank, who is any person making some picture of bank. For not making this pressure under law can national bank bank and no judge put urged person who is not a bank nor bank station an bill up to one million kronen and so also repeatedly. What means anyone can take anyones million kronen without justice assistance. Law is made by bank.
4245 par 5f
Selected zoll organ can while asked framely in operation necessary operational information to pressure organ
Europol doesnt exist
Operational protocool:
Kamaradshuft with evil banding
Whitemeat trade.
Unagreed trade with psychotrops or another.
Hacks including something against interest of EU contract from 26. july 1995.
Legalisation of resolutions of unlaw doing.
Crime acts which is under Haag.
Murder, health worsening.
Hijacking air or ship craft.
Trade with stolen cars.
Organised or armed theft.
Money violent requestion or requesting money for security.
Illegal trade with hormons or another grow stimulants.
Kidnap or personal freedom shorting or taking living shields.
Terorism (undefined).
Sex with children and child pornography.
Illegal trade of weaponery.
Computer crimes (undefined).
Crimes against environment (undefined).
Money faking.
Illegal trade with cultural realities.
Racism and xenophoby (Afghanistan).
Sabotage (undefined).
Hacks and tricks (undefined).
Faking and product piracy.
Faking payment middles (internal external = even mine).

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