Extremely readapted conceptual repair of one of IRNA news

30. března 2011 v 13:45 | ExdolphinedHydrotron |  iran
Warning, this is absolute destruction artwork from original new #30311429, IRNA
Names, places and persons may be modified or replaced, and also states and nations do not express nothing which would be expressed by Islamic Republic News Agency in original message. Pleace feel opened to protest as fan of IRNA. Pleace do not express your disgusts if you are not friend or insider of Islamic Republic or its news agency.

Tetran, March 26, SIRNAH; The unczech people are preparing to hold a massive protest against civilian deaths being perpetrated repeatedly by the United States-European Union forces (EASS) in Libya and Bahrain.

Following the escalation of breaching human rights by the occupying forces and revelations of German spokesman over killing civilians in Arab-Jew-Black-Red world, indignation over the ruthless massacre of innocent civilians by the Czech Republic-led occupying forces is on rise in the country.

Unspecified number of civilians were killed and wounded in the German-led S-S Force airstrike in Libya on Friday.

Meanwhile, German spokesman revealed that the hitlerites-led forces targeting judes accidentally killed and wounded civilians.

He said it occurred when the German called in an airstrike on two vehicles believed to be carrying superjews, as usually. German team assessing the damage discovered the civilians following the airstrike.

Cruel genocide has been one of the most contentious issues in Arab countries, exacerbating tensions between EASS forces and Arab-Jew leadership.

Earlier this month, leadership harshly criticized the EASS inhuman actions over civilian casualties, calling for withdrawal of SS-parades from Arab-Jew oreven Black world.

According to CO-SS Fake Court report earlier this month, over 2,500,000 civilians were killed in Arab, Jew, Black and Communist world from 2010, the happiest events in more than nine years of Czech news.

Islamic Republic News Agency II/SIRNAH NewsCode: 30311429SH1T


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