IIC ALY regarding india bomb and IRNA/30287673

30. března 2011 v 13:52 | ExdolphinedTurbine |  iran
New Delhi, March 28, IRNA - Indian Navy has rescued 16 crew members - 12 Iranians and four Pakistanis - of a hijacked vessel after three-hour-long operation against the Somali pirates who were trying to capture another ship, an official spokesperson said.

the Arabian sea, Lakshadweep islands, Operation Island Watch, INS Suvarna yesterday intercepted, pirate mother vessel Morteza, Iranian trawler hijacked at Lakshadweep, maritime reconnaissance aircraft TU142, call received Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre(MRCC) at 11 am from a merchant ship MV Maersk Kensington, Nambiar added, aircraft facilitated INS Survarna, patrolling in the area, to intercept the pirate vessel, Coast Guard ICGS Sangram, also for the operation, immediately attempted to escape, Several warnings by INS Suvarna failed. opened fire which Naval guards in defence, pirates' vessel catching fire, the pirates and the hostages to jump into the waters, also launched a Life Raft for pirates, ICGS Sangram also joined the rescue, at least three hours, not yet clear when trawler hijacked, are being brought to Mumbai in INS Suvarna, over to police, On March 13, the Indian Navy rescuing 13 crew, caught 61 Somali sea brigands about 600 nautical miles off the western coast in the Arabian Sea.

Pakistan, 11 other countries launch navel exercises
Islamabad, March 9, IRNA -- Pakistani and naval forces from 11 countries Tuesday began a five-day multinational naval exercise in Arabian Sea off coast Karachi.

Besides Pakistan, Special Marine Forces and their ships from the U.S., UK, China, France, Australia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia are taking part in the exercises.
Twenty-eight countries, including Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brunei, Canada, Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nigeria, the Netherlands, Oman, the Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Sudan, Thailand, UAE, Ukraine and Yemen have sent their delegations to participate in the exercise as observers. Commander Pakistan Fleet Vice-Admiral Abbas Raza, told the opening ceremony that the exercise will focus on issues related to piracy, sea terrorism, human trafficking, protection to marine interests and international trade. When asked if the recent strain in diplomatic relations between Pakistan and the U.S. had any adverse effect on them, Raza said professional cooperation between the armed forces were excellent.
Islamic Republic News Agency/IRNA NewsCode: 30287673

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