Iptz 001 (10% of whole record)

11. března 2011 v 15:46 | Musil |  1. الأمن
Při kontradiskriminativním průzkumu pokrizových a krizových ultramikrosegmentů se osvědčuje Foucault k těžbě technicko-emocionálních konglomerací, a zároveň k sebeobraně Young, a k emocionálnímu postoji i verbalizačnímu procesu, a to jak pro komunikaci tak pro reskripci Atencio. Atencio je vůbec brutálním osvěžením morální atmosféry, a to za minimálního ohrožení badatele, ovšem zkoumání urychluje proti sobě mafické celky, a ty provádějí popravdě hanebně primitivní divadlo. Jistě však dochází k ohrožování, jenže to se u takového procesu sepisování pouze aglomeruje, a nikoli je vyvoláváno: agresívní bažina onehdy rozprostřená pod nánosem bláta je z pohledu těchto tří lidí terapeutickým procesem přehnána, a zločinci provádějí vůbec prozrazování se, a to jak navzájem, tak falešně: což je obé pro vědce i policii stejnako výtěžné. Završením celé Ipcké akce byl předpoklad, že Dojská firma je utlačována, ač inventivně stále v převaze, a hned vedle ní jsou řadové domy, osazené lichotivou fasádou. Vše obsazeno bludovou strukturální produkcí: INSTOL, firma, která "pracuje nepracuje", a pochází de fakto od místních korupčních složek tajných služeb, prorostlých s mafií i úřady. Hned vedle štítu této firmy leží AGB, což je dávno zaniklá firma dodávající převážně kritinková okna a kaktusové podnosy, a maskující své "podivné" - naprosto nevýnosné obchody - do výroby šuplat a stolů. Tyto bludy jsou souhrnem úpadku Instalatérského řemesla nedůslednými zásahy, jako v choreografii ne-dokonce-paže, rozděleného mezi "obvody", které by pěstovány vřele odspodu, tedy od lidu, a úřadů, včleněje se do dvou či mnoha separací, extrémně prosperovaly a zajišťovaly naprosto nezávislý a bezvadný běh vodohospodářství, s blahodárnými účinky na živočišnou a potravinářskou produkci. AGB naopak je vytvořena právě zase nedůslednou a primitivní korupcí úřadů, tak že se každý terminočlenný účastník domnívá spíše míti šanci podvádět stát, nicméně je právě využíván pouze jako krycí firma, tedy je celá tato korupce státních úředníků teprve papíroveckou pojmotvorbou vyšší sorty mafie... a td. do nebes. Následky které můžeme kolem těchto dvou halucinací obhlédnout jsou často drastické, extrémně emocionálně vypjaté, avšak osvěžující, alespoň nadějí, a to vždy všestrannou. Nicméně zostření kafaskálních reakcí není vůbec možno škrtnout, neboť každá psychologie musí respektovat všechny subjekty sporu, a zároveň nesmí umět lhát, a musí vždy a zcela respektovat logiku. Sedace kafaku bude možna snad v Ráji. Zde bude mít jistě stejně nedozírné důsledky, jako veškeré operace PsyOps, se kterými jsme dosud seznámeni, jejich drastickým dopadem na ekonomiky i morálky jak států, tak náboženství, tak firem, ba i logik, a personálních pamětí. PsyOps nesmí vzrůstat jako útočná síla. Naopak, musí projít nejprve své následky v lidu, a to s celým nedozírným hnusem, který to s sebou do dějin přivedlo, a ještě vede. Teprve z poznatků které načerpá sekce PsyOps UN, při napravování zrůdných aplikací, které spustily jejich neregulované předstupně národních úrovní, teprve až po celosvětovém napravení tohoto všeho, a doznání daných velitelů, politiků, obchodníků i učitelů, tedy po zavedení minimálního pojmu do škol, do dějin, teprve pak, bude moci armáda regionální úrovně (vůči UN) smět PsyOps zakládat. Potud se PsyOps shodují svou podstatou s Jadernou zbraní, a jejich aplikace stran národů i soudů se nezvratně nastavuje na stejnou úroveň soluce jako Jaderné zbraně. Potud teprve nutno přestat toto běsnění, a nikoho proto neumlčovat, i střílel-li by snad do důstojníků, nutno jej teprve uspat! Jakékoli procesy s politickými vrahy minulosti se suspendují, nicméně je otázkou, zda mají, nebo musí zůstat ve vazbě. To nechť posoudí každý národ užívající nebo prožívající důsledky dekady trvající práce PsyOps sám, a chopí se svých partnerských i pracovních priorit, na delegatické úrovni. Totéž platí pro sousedské vztahy: kdo není dobrý soused, nemá dobré sousedy. Mimoto se A. neplete v nejmenším: vzor doghouse, rasa a sport, tlouštík a méněcennost, posloupnosti dravých a utlačovaných... Namísto hraček jsou dnes hračkárny naplněny sportem a vojnou. Ba, i panenky takřka deflovaly. Také není pominutelné, že platí i výrok Nietzschův, že velké myšlenky vyjímečných promlčí se a zkopírují v skřety, odporné stvůrnosti lidského prasečismu, fanatismu, bestiálnosti, výstředního mrzačení pro zábavu, kleštění důchodců... atpd. V tomto případě je právě posloupnost zcela nečekaná: mladí krutě týrají staré, staří krutě mladé, školství je k tomuto boji nabádá a připravuje, korupce školství za toto zodpovědná tkví v úřadech, snažících se řešit toto vše, často také korupcí, protože opět, jako všichni ostatní, jsou úřady na některých místech tvrdě odstrčeny. Toto rozhodně nesvědčí pro oprávněnost revoluce, neb volá to spíše po uznání všech stran nepříčetnými. Což není dost možné: a jediný kdo trpí takřka bez vyjímky za svou nevinu, jsou náboženskými genocidami zmítané země, a bezdomovci. A toto vše nepramení ze způsobu průmslu, neb z průmyslníků, neb z vlád, nýbrž z povahy všech: dohlížet a trestat, být týraný a týrat. Každý má v sobě tato dvě slova naprosto nerozlišena, a domnívá se vždy jen jedním z oněch pojmů, a vždy jen o jiných, a vždy jen proti jiným. Je sdostatek pravdou, že důkazem tohoto je, že málokdo viní z podoby světa sebe sama, ačkoli je to právě logická možnost. Avšak vzorek těchto lidí existuje: právě ti, kteří se nechají donekonečna odstrkovat. Bezdomovci. Co společnost dělá pro ně, nebo proti nim, je vždy takřka stejného výsledku: vyřazení, zamítnutí námitek, odvrhnutí myšlenek a onoho zpětná reflexe zvrácením negované pravdy do architekturálních dysmestií. Tento text nesmí být kázán, ani učen, než-li k tomu dá svaz historiků a svaz průmyslových analytiků bezpečnosti, a policejní sbor všech národů svolení. Nikdo nemá právo tento text přeposílat. Kdo jej přepošle, nechť je sledován, a email těchto lidí, nikoli adresy koncových příjemců, nechť okamžitě propadne platnosti (banned logo system, reason supershort elab). Dále každý, kdož tento text si vytiskne, nechť mi jakýmkoli způsobem pošle korunu, nebo dvacet centů, ať už jakéhokoli státu měny. Text smí být svobodně pouze vyhledáván, dovoluji si nasadit naň tracer, a sbírat emaily. Dobrovolní ponechavci emailu jsou volní, a zavazuji se jim jejich email před zrušením chránit, ozvou-li se, anebo přejí-li si, smažu jej z historie traceru.
Plukovník Kaddafí II., tzv. virtualizovaný, nahrazený po přečtení v libovolné době dějin opět tím Kaddafím, kterého tak dobře známe dnes (13-11L, eaRJfGaaaIIffRHNO).
(micA. w-e. bd-vtffft::elsubscript mnng MA or FF)

Vnitra (from hyperlector of ethics, critical seizmage from Upice)
Military prose, traded from tenth year of last century:

Legální Úpice: aneb cvičiště policejních prezidií ve speciálních zásazích proti devastujícím odezvám akcí psychoaktivních odborů armád

aneb jediný smysluplný turismus: skanzen vnitřností holokaustů všech dob
aneb jinak by tu nic nebylo, neb nám Čapek jen o sobě velmi zalhal
tak jako mě jej nikdy nezajímala práce - nýbrž pouze její kolority, tradice a pózy
Wecome Tourist "Radarous American" we ARE Key as an Australian (shortly one long Paralyse of revolutional dead-disgestions)
Unknown Author, known as Sahib al Macini (da irna.ir page, closely selected prose)
"Na Kopečku" - 4. 8. 2009: one car, second hand given was car from eight of such colors, driven by very impossible dreamer "Janiv", as he loved his band, which was favourite even in such murdereously unknown nations as Írán or Malayjsia, or even whole Asia, not discriminating any race or religion, not really basing any violent connection to noone. All messages this day, all over world, were in Jiddish. Noone knows how it happened. Everything seemed so sad, as if one and second were just jumping, but voluntaribly threwn from rock over Manhattan, lead by revolutionary leader Ibrahim Razlovski. He always believed to colors, mismatching, as whole this place in time of lovers killing, believning mismatcheably in lovers... as if it was colors. The two cars are know now as owned by Polish policists Iran and Juve, who just use it to subvence our devastated region by primitive low passing obfuscation methods, which are as comprehensible as allowable, in such demolished regime, as this time in PassOver ChecoSlovakey. That is true: just two policmen, noone on or from them or around them could never enjoy any kind of information, so any kind of profit from who was those two guys in past tensely "Club" Na kopečku. The old woman, who was turned to "Witch" by calling "Witch" any second woman from near polybirit TBC spirit. Namely SPN, trademark of ruling on victimisation of people on another exclusion, just by joining Press and Tobacco together. That small building, was but very equall to that not much bigger, of our Club. Now old witch was reasonably reestablished to speechwriting, and noone else uses the window, for buying or selling anymore. You just see halucinating people covering window with their spectroscopes of oportunity opinion, with their wars, with their suffocation of what they call "Regime". That is all the spirit connecting those two guys to beat themself nearly dead, which closed, merely by political view, this Club. Witch and Club.
My living room. I live on central periphery. That means exactly opened throwage of everything under active focus of misperceptionised "Leading", which supposes itself to be "Help". That affects everyone: cumulation of people to empty rooms, my father, their older families. It all is established to die, agonise. And noone really knows. I am just fat man, who always knew how stupid is to be fat. My father, mother, brother, sister, scholars, neighbors: they all just putting the fat shit under the table to kick. So that I am very obsessed of keep myself copy to my body of concentration camps neighbors of 45. When I present myself, I must always be acutely dying of hunger. No jokes. Thats similar to be an artist who knows, how to use name of band, so called NickName, or Label, to just be out of everything, in most close conditions. Not almost: how to cause your public to stay lowest. I am that artist who I know only, and so first, for me, who make himself consciously to be just for most near neighbors of spirit, freedom, and to be hatred and diqualified by all opinion ranges not in cost for my racional sight. So my living room, by the river, everyone can just break your window, step in thru it, and keeping head without any "Hello" inside your room through window, they just ask I don
't understand who, or for what reason: "So what garbage is living here now". I stopped opening window early after first stratgical recognitions. I live all the day darkened. I don't look out. I am walking just at night, cannot sleep. It took even to my samely frustrated and diminished neighbors year to come in, and ask for borrow a book. They told me, those, gypsies, told me first, as in America, staying, waiting for me before house, they told me Welcome, made a small habitual speaking talking, and told me that they really enjoy that I am also reader, and they gave me word to borrow from me some book. That took year to realise. This gap is criminal, from our society as a whole not disclosing even by state borders. Only animals are much more tyranised, so that they are not to be understood as bad as people in this gap between me and my friends. It takes a small underscore to tell that gypsies are widely recognised as garbage in my old crap called state. Its like social rules and laws: help is just name for control, and that is only port to introduce whole lot of personal commands from all law higher people, such as commiting suicides, leaving city, shooting, writing special texts which differs in many specialised levels from texts for whites here. That is very highly criminal, and second byproduct is homelessness. There is no law here, which is opened form help to uneployed, tyranised etc. Its all just routines to provide as much money what needed to create hypoteq need in families, to fall in tired and unconscious, to be just manipulated to divide families, to move by houses as needed, for psychiatric experiments. Those are created very officially in very medial politics. Everyone knows it. But problems: everyone agrees, if you just very longly discuss about forms of disagreement. So I live by this river, and almost three quaters of this houserow was on reason of deputy minister and local leaders of city demolished, with all people inside in living under city licence, with no rights for replacement, just with paper to go until. Then came police, very easily accusable, but also very intoxed by how this society wants to live, and how it percieves its life. Its very fault is perception of Freedom of expression, which acutely doesn't exist for any kind of minority, such as reader, political sciencist or even astronomer, who is really keen in astronomy. Astronomy turned to exhibition not even of vids or images, but to exhibition of Astronoms. And tho are just alcoholics, living from speech to crowds, living in goods of science, just working on themselfs, even if motivated to help by deepest rule of character and self-restrainment. Those just disqualified the older, for colectively introduced "manipulation", and they just turned all what Astronomy did well, into a celebration of THEIR freedom and CELEBRALITY. You listen here in pub, only in pub, "Oh, you are An astronomer!". Its like our contemporary real psychiatry: built in terapy turned to JUST discussion of RIGHTS, DELIGHTS, CHANGES, HARMONOGRAM and of replacing to the patient protest for particular freedoms or limitations, replacing their evaluation with "It cannot be repaired", in technical cases like is 35years unmodified toilet systems, where not even plastic holder of wash rope was not changed, and sometimes is replaced by sister with peace of ... just something for week - and replacing their perception terms with "We told you twice, and you are just the same wrong, so we can give you more tablet of." So then came police, and thrown last women and few of squatters, which replaced previous paying homelesses on the car, or wherever. Then I worked on house cleaning for technical services, before closing case with demolition. Also it was hundred year old buildings, just in need of cleaning assistance. So cleaning was supposingly total, and I don't suppose the city to have any paper on who was living there. We also found death body. But I didn't have a right and power to check, if it is animal or child in child room, very nice one room, in lots of things in plastic bag. I just told that to my black co-worker, what I things, he wanted to throw out, me to. We just left it uncleaned. So maybe it appeared on some private building. Because whole demolition was made by secure contract, who just did that for free, just to take material. All led by city. And what could police know? Citizens, people counting, institutions: silent agreement, drastic resolutions. Even a law maybe contains that today in pure form, readably. So I live in rest. Its held by private buyers from city. They vere just selected to track them down in vision of easy income. Result: social class of lower, problems to administrate, big secrets thrown to be compliced. All just to sink. All just Sunk. I paid everything in this room, and nothing is mine, and even social help is insufficient, because money consumed by foreign room were not consumed under the perception of law: I earned too much (650 $ / YEAR - $560 for room and state services for socially poor). That is my room. And my bill is growing. It turned my father to make a homeless from me and my spirit, even if he was fighting with me all the time. Law is quite misunderstood to Absolute naturality and that is percieved as Inargumentability, which in family is abused by Psychiatric helps for - misunderstood children.
The person living this room before doesn't exist anymore, his sporadic friends searching him after ten years. They told me he was obfuscating an electricity, so that I have to pay, what he caused, to can start pay usual amount, to get contract. Ok, we, me and my father gave everything to them, leaving nothing. But I found last week, that they just broken security marks in outside allocated electricity controller, so that there was noone else, than owner, responsible. Maybe some other elements introduced, as mixing neighbors, relations, attacking doors, taking envelopes. (I didn't recieved key from postal box neither... just if I ask, ale other CAN; which may stand me against them, get paranoic...). But really, come here, and youll find two broken places in metal box, marked by energy factory as criminal places. Maybe also falsificational stamps. Who knows. But it doesn't really seem now, that he really sucked an electricity from neighbors, as told me by owner to pay my two month hard work money for things counted to walls of room. Contract: he repairs, pays, or he gets out, and takes nothing, leaves room new. That is all of our friendly relation, started by firing me from table for just commenting visibly horrible form of contract, asking for retyping, and not rewriting and subscribing any repair. Then I must beg and be sorry just to return to computer, rewrite seven characters, and send print key again. That missing person is called Obornik. He may be dead. By the city. There is three quarters of houses empty in this city.
My neighbors were attacked before doors, they used the doorlock. They told nothing about man who chanted on them to bitches etc. Police took information from people speaking in terms of another gypsies. So attacker demoloshing doors unfound. And maybe my neighbors by council, for demolishin the doors. I listened a lot from accident directly, but police took just my phone number, as witness. Do I have right to look into judge or police resolution in case of my neighbors? They just moving. Or piece of their family. I hardly hope to have any right over their rights, even as witness. I am not respected. But people from street not identified by me in accident, nor usually looking when someone is beating or shooting someone, they just knew everything which was just not believed from belongers of my "Entrance". As a slang for house uses. I just identified by blocked nuber told to be policist with phone number, which really behaved as policmen, I stopped one ringing, after supposed half hour new call same number, I identified, which called to be witness merging. No more I know on case I can witness most, because victims are tyranised.
There is two "small" and one "big" supermarket, definitely different by sortiment, quality, age, and prize. This big one, hatred "penny market" replacing first building of demolished row, has no direction signal on the road, while only one, called ToMan is signalised, as Policia, as Astronom observatory, as Cinema... same level of "city sig" markers. Yellow. Big one, is unwelcomed, as seems. That is as failure, as unright. Yellow signals are currently widely recognised and attacked. Mostly allocated around city objects, where road goes. It makes connection of city, care and road, even for absolute foreigner it but means absolute impossibilty to orientate in second driven region.
There is big actory, attacked by fire past ten years, where city allocated its frame industry, where materials mostly from wood are turned to anything from just expensive interior, to just unused heating materials. The fabric presents itself as Biodegradation pool, where spoil is produced. But that's not true, because that is just light product. The rest of areal of fabric is unused, told after fire, repaired by plastic windows, which is whole city fragmentar project. Its unused, but heat effectivated. Most of our friends recognise part of tripoly fabric as club centre. Noone knows, because there is three fabric, and two on right side are just victims of area bordering and securing. That means heating and buliding material truck firm, is just slowly consumed, and small second hand shop, last in city, so connected as "only chance of poor", is being replaced by surrounding exposed inidentificable areal, where lot of white, young people work, but no work output is vivible all around it. There is for whole area lot of containers for garbage, plenty of years just filled, but not cleaned. The product of biofuel from fastwood is just represented by waste pick on local technical service last pollution epicentre, where now there is materials from whole city being sold, and flowers generated to be sold as "economical hygiene" for technical services leader, who is just laughed for this economical thread. They are all in pressure of loosing job, all having slavery ticket, all being billed or judged, all representing while work on communications bad, evil and smuggly stupid, extraordinarily supernonplusultrashaming, even in contact persons. They are called "Old communists" and so weiter.
There is broken doors areal of plastic windows, where even marking of "Horak & Longhecker" stamp is demolished, and inside, deep, is marking plastic windows, with two wans prepared without foreground car numbers (both - red van and white or yellow car without legal stamp).
There is turistical marks repaired from "Lhota" to "Cizkovy kameny" which I don't recognize to be rename, but there is not new turistical link, just that rewritten by elity.
1A6 6686 car is parking by house 446 in right commandment to biofactory called areal and to plastic window threat. It is car of "Jestrebi okruh" which is so called "tourist support group": main threat of corruption, main product, main hallucination: no production, just sinking and evolving tyrany in families and between all fracts.
Biofactory from that place is opened to walk from central entrance to walk for whole roofs, meaning even appartment and fired parts, having oversight for discriminated firms.
Near that position there is terorised fixing of river border, where dog-walkers prefering forest: much to see for long time in the biofactory. Even introducing resume of plastic firm. Before there was plastic cleaning water project, which changed without notice away, to dog walking route. And now cleaning memory again. That missing stone is disturbing whole riverside, where hill is resectional with whole exponentional weight parameter. Destruction involved to river, and also village next above, where one of my rock-killed friends lived in social-engineering family.
In middle cross of fabrical area there are strong reactions to magnifiing apparate, and two cars moving between all parts of city, distributing "de luxe" boxes. Which can mean anything. Maybe that is token from all shops from not damaging their goods.
My writing - first close - walk was blocked by attacked garbage basket over dog-route, only peaceful place by river to walk without cars around, at least "behind river", as it was "By the river" public nick for "School for gypsis", which still exists, next to Mothership-school. I recognize this broken basket not to engage well with its target place, not know from where, where missing. All goods out, across a way, after looking for bio.
There is common strategy in termination of free shops. They just make communication repair in name of Effective, Plastic, Bio, Green, Pro-turist, Modern, and it block out or allows next tools for blocking out feeding cars, which totally paralyses bussiness. Such ended a well inteligent and perceptive gypsy, which is not allowed form (all died for heart attack), his disco-bar. Only pop-music and heart-dancing in city. They just made some beatings to blood. My dead friend connected also to it, even in police and judge documents. And finally they made paper part of road, which looks to give green sense with leting water down, but next there are metal middle blockers

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