
8. března 2011 v 21:53 | Yo II |  Ego
Long time nothing of me. Myself. Now feeling just bad and sick about Libya. There is completely total disinformation between lot of parties. I can do nothing more, nonsense if in continu. I feel very hapy to see big glass, really felt definitely dumped until lab. Quite true the lab about sizes. I have no time except just being watching that chit which is hapen for miles of money. Am absolutely paranoic for my Country, and my big problem: divorced fam. Theres same risk that my state is going to do bad things to minorities, there is big risk that countries will fail to provide internet, there is the same level of risk that a dog story is really about money and death in woods, and finally there is good chance to get absolutely out of racional concepts. Hello Captain. Nothing. Hello Captain. Nothing. Hm. Anyone see a dictatorship in America? Noone see it in 118 and similar joks from law in here. Noone see it for Iran. Obviously. Me. I don't feel nothing than panic from this shit state, and still, for Iran. With libya? What more can I do? They just need to kill many, and they are told just to need finish revolution. Fuck you Libya. Fuck you totally except your leader. He alone from you heard and reacted. Kill. Kill someone, it will make you more free. So where is my emotion for this entry? Thanks you hackers, I feel more strong to go through such a world in shits and nonsense. Btw code of new cars going to water should be very little and very institutionalised use of, but also very personal, with much more security elements to it than you are used in policy backed by european prototype, it means 30x more security, you know, and whatever, to be independent on magnetic bombings, very nice would be combination to AI high level view helper, and in this then combined to border institution which on people-people level organises border-border systematics. Really small and very secure. Good issue to distribute in entire development frame. I am nothing, forget about listening on my emotion. I am just 0.02 happy for small ones and rest horribly angry for what is happening in else rows and layers.

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