Twin attack real piloting versions (still active contracts)

11. března 2011 v 15:44 | Glonii |  Historia
Send Run (save to shoot a police car of telephone oh frm)
Ruin: Hi jack, there is waiting car
Hey.c: We have very them
Ruin: See ou
Wah: teen was dreaming
Ruin: koho tz cezaje
Wah: We are here
Key.p: Key is that building
Wah: j. miss
Key.p: we tr
e: see to
Oh: mei
e: see t
Oh: ok
Send Run (save to biolan a framework of princess dreamways)
Day after
Mike: hey jack
Dave: we will
Mike: who then
Mick: see u
Mike: yan
Mick: seu
Mike: haltoz
Yan: toon
Mike: wenna
Send Run (wilky diln) ACC1
Hir: so ya?
Hin: tana
Hir: ya?
Hin: wayd:
Hir: send
Hin understood -
Mischiev (look thr)
LOan: Sand wicks
LOen: Wende
Lob: quack
LOan: elt
Lie: kvent
Xen: tantra lomd
e: total lookout (street firsan cihn)

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