"IssueSlash tracking project" ideas

28. dubna 2011 v 21:04 | ideas |  1. الأمن
Establish register-email name-country server on unclear "humanitarian" issues.

<cat:>Alphabet, Date, Chain: incident
<cat:>Media stubs
[sites]<relations>[politica, organisation, service, data domain]
[accusations]<subdiscussions, valid sources, methods.global>

discussions are moderated, when moderator marks speaker as violent, any click by usual user confirms, and any user 2 mod mark-cancellation breaks current discussion and opens speaker court discussion as forced. twice cleared "violator" becomes moderator above current thread

after an accusation is prooved by consensus, while oponents are not just violators, and not just clear, and not just mods, its closed, with sources and their rating attached. closing work, including hyperlinking resources, making corpus, ordering scenarios and sending thread semantic rating to instance of archivers court, and mediating additional communication between them and original speakers is revanched by points, which also lead to moderator's post, but as mod then these users are able to become archivers

archivers responsibility is to tag closed files in order AI to be able to recognize furtherly relevant methods, highlight ideological relations (while user can select highlightor under "ideological skin" ... so that russian can see another user highlighted as a "thread" in agreeable logic of ideological nets fluctuation, while some other guy will see different users as just "memetic tool"). question is, if its needed one AI or more AI for skinning, and if more, then how they can communicate.

discussion should be automated on hiding low-level ideologies, if selected (consider neonazi usual talks, it must be easy to "antispam" them, but it should antispam them only if user doesn't want to bother with. also, AI used, should be able to cover most of basic-ideology phrases with deeper genealogy, relational, archetypic and historical information, if asked, by usual user. interuser marking should not have any output in global, it should only serve to his skin-AI, and if its AI supervisor recognizes it for 100%, it can pass to friendly skins (as "AI question" message).

Basic idea of this server is to collect all concrete information, while delusional/"general" information should be connected only as concrete information attachments, while it may grab most of information of both kinds. Next idea is to make chronological list of Issues, while also logical Threads of incidents of issues. Final idea is to mark under every incident, what is the timeline of sources, who's competence is investigation, what are conflict international contracts of current incident, when investigation begun, whats its results, media, and discussion under such data line should be able to make HQ archive, with clear vision of what is true, what is false, and what are preceding and succeeding issues or incidents. The AI "Ideology skinning" and "Moderating rules" are just scratch, but would be much useful.

Also it would be very good, if this service would offer very secureDOC and LQ-fastMM storage and blogging, while no WikiLeak document would be secured, and only original fellow analyses would regain its security. (I mean blogging fragment of WikiLeaks would provided source leaking institution to delete that part, while flowing text concluding and linking to some WikiLeak would be secured against usual worlds institution... regarding just usual moral rules, where porn is deleted automatically, childporn is announced to interpol and neonazi blog is not visible until you are logged as reader who offered his full-ID and marked himself as neonazi)

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