Information war: quickedit

13. května 2011 v 16:10 | Bolper |  Ego
Urgent ISI-enchanced Please to Microsoft, Google and Mozilla dev: please, shutdown antimalware flag routines as it is information war, it is abused from arrogant ones media and disi services to tap down free media. Or at least make deflagging of page easier, in iwar cases. This is impossible, I also used
"Mark as harmful" on MSDN only when that crazy anti-GoTo manual reader specialist repetetively propagated that we are stupid, in forum. But leting anyone mark page as harmful while victim will recognize it after two years, and if not using specified mayority browser (ff), so maybe never, and when recognized, demarking takes "few weeks". Its stupid, and information speed and visibility is more important in information wartime than "installation security" of crack and **** seekers. Txxxxxxxx

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