Libya, Iran and propaganda

10. května 2011 v 20:45 | Sulfuroxee |  1. الأمن
Iranian opinion on Libya should not be accounted into division of enemity judge, as Iran is primary-primary key of sheltering actions, if necessarily taken. Iran and Libya even if in governmental semienmity, should obtain the same safety by us, and also Iran should be well substituted in all dangerous actions. It should be preserved for Iran to act absolutely peacefully continuing its any opinion, until all quarells will be cleansed back to the discussion-just table. Leaving place for Iran to act in ongoing possible war may be first mark of our weakness. I understand, if IRAN will be unhappy to be sheltered by someone who Iran consider to be bad, or with being under same shelter with someone distrusted by Iran, but whatever, Iran is key diplomatic point, and making a warhead from it, is a synonym of loosing it at the first stage. Quarrels between Libyan and Iranian govt. should be containable by new law-respecting authority, or better to call it case-instance, even leastly for reasons, which Iran self hopes to hold: that US (...) is trying to plot violence between Arab and Muslim (or other) regional countries. Differences in viewpoint between Libya and Iran are of course part of both parties freedom, but also Iranian disbelief to Libya is practical example of US plot, I guess. But whatever, both these parties are totally helpless, without wider shielding, and that, as a antipode of current pseudo-UN pseudo-NATO steps should be what is to be achieved. Its like giving heartattacked-unpiloted airplane ground navigation through mobile phone: its obvious, that people on board are going to beat themselves for mandate of pilotage, one is engineer in waterbuildings, and second is winner of strategical PC gaming contest: but their quarrel is something to respect, and oversee, because not their mandate, but their landing is priority: not their partial truth or excellency in logics, but their practical ability of cold head, command accepting and translation, and peaceful fingers. Their viewpoint is something to take in account, to respect, and to take as equal discussion piece, but whatever: then key question to Iran is "would you rather yourself solve the Libyan conflict by press and military, when we clean NATO from its air-space?" and "gave someone from NATO the chanted mandate to regional leaders, including you, or are you just as ignored as voice of third opposition of Libya?" and, finally "would you believe, that leaving NATO finish Libyan operations means watching the same steps for next three years, and finally, being Iran means observing Libya turned to Iraq, from stability and criminality side, and also observing NATO bases there, while listening just the same media speaking just the same plots against you, and then observing just Pakistan and Libya, and Izrael, all of them abused to attack you, just by the plot described colorfully by Etzioni?". But I don't really mean ideologically converting Iran to militarised "we save Libya apriori" company. It is not objective way, we must respect this as a right of Iran, because neither we are handling with much objective set of information, but finally in current situation, Iran pressuring on West to give hands away from Libya, would be "hit me next minute" call from Iran to British and German press. It would absolutely induced aggression to Iran in few weeks. Consider this, analysts. Be but aware now, because West will try to quash some gain from this opinion polarity between Iran and Libya. BTW much western people is pretty far under the plot of "Muslim Terrorist" concept, what I would hardly believed, that such bad story has so much fans. US lies are pretty design for absolute dumbheads. Or are we bad observers, and should we rather stay back, and consider both, Libya and Iran, furtherly Pakistan, being well-treated. Or "as they deserve it". Look. Libya deserves peace. Iran much more. Pakistan long time already. Do Iran and Pakistan their common solidarty progress because they are terrorists? Or is what we wrote on libyan infrastructure built or at least left to be built our allucinosis? And is that AU and money for it some brutal Lie? Finally, who else we may ask for help, if e.g. Russia and China, allegedly with India and Chavez were some another liars. For me this is try or die solution: if they are only who want support something resulting from logic we started to follow, when something obviously started to smell on Libyan medial image in news, then take offered hand, and risc, that it is some AntiAmerican Liar. Because making nothing is just... whatever. What we learned when IRNA made us suppose next steps toward Pak? Maybe that information framework we currently have, harwested some see-forward into US disi tacticts. I would suffice here, with just recollecting who we are in this circle of opinion, and just voting in Q: "Is USA sincer in its WORK against terror, or are we sincerely left in zero argument land, when it comes to question of AUTHORISATION of WTC attack". If all antiallies sincerely give hand for zero arg, it is just only possible to continue instinctually, collecting more info from Libyas ground, and finally weighten words of lawyers and professors we all left to write on these topics, with some actions. I am pretty curious how those actions will work, if they will be consulted on standart UN. Before anything. Not much sure, but I guess that targeting roboplanes without mandate of UN is having just absolutely zero value in front of any UN possible. Its just fucking pieces of dead metal. That doesn't need any mandate. (And not really "all needed measures"... haha)
Don't forget to be faster in West media, before you ask US to leave, when you offer bombing their ships as second options. Don't forget to discuss all plans without any lie with safeguarded subjects. Maybe they want to retry another scenarios: in that case we should wait for their own steps, to proove or disqualify. When all targeted parties want to take another necessary measures, there is no reason except absolutely undoubt one day security threat, to cover them, if they do not need, "for now". Just behave as "one ear" assistance, until you are asked, to help. I don't know what proof is needed for Libya. As for Czech Republic, boulvar press is highly accepted, while any contradict materials and evidence, as texts, images, soundtracks or movies are just under full disbelief. I am that person, who is in no contact with proovable reality of Libya. If you are, than my text is what is for you to be considered...
PS: what I said on objectivity of us was necessary, but check what sort of data is your citizens (except Russians, they have hopefully better informated public), what sort of material is your public consuming, and what viewpoints and stands are western governments handling. In public case its pure chovinism and boulvar, in govt case its awful unilateral propaganda, in Czech case having symptoms in "slow addmiting" - proliferation handling strategy, which is easily observable, when disbelief #1 successfully applied to gvt media. So our addmitance of instinctivness, solidarty to intelligence of universities such as Pakistani, and our inobjectivity is just "having all truth", compared to mainstream western information base, strategy, influence, shorting and handling. Here: slowly stepbacking propaganda.

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