Missing link

4. května 2011 v 13:11 | HackMoreFacist347 |  1. الأمن
Arab-Black world uprising coincidency conclusions (1511)

Theories, that US prepared Africas revolutions may be absolutely US prepared. Seemingly those revolutions are spontaneous, according to Mahrib, where we cannot suppose any bluffing with reasons to "war to regime". However, as US-EU recognized there is lot of chaos going on in revolutionary Africa, and that there is pure inconscioussnes in west media about that, it prepared its warfield and its salaries for specific media on a blue print, so that in few days after uprising these subjects were prepared to start its multilayer preconspirated wars against selected leaders.

What we are witnessing, is just the criminal continuation of Kosovo and IRAQ.

The same way as "NATO pilot attacked regular train twice, in order to punish civilian people for their support to comunist leader, who was anti-terrorist", the same way, some reporters gassed Iraq people in order to immediately report material allowing fast murder of Husseins family in civil rooms by "special commando" (truly just sick bunch of usual murderers with shotguns).

The same way is being Quaddafis family murdered right now.

We are observing just other kind of anti-communist strategy: on the field, where media is properly isolated from western insight: as it was CCCP, it was necessary to corrupt its leaders, to buy its young citizens for "illegal music" and silly criticise its government, both called "modern and forbidden".

In case of Africa, they suffice with common murderies, and medial silence. We cannot even speak about medial selection: what we know about Bahrain or Yemen here is pure nothing, but style how are we informated about Libya, is rather to be another silencing, than considering few lies and repeatedly bulvarising its leaders, money and soldiers to be even "disinformation".

Finally its really time to agree fully with NATO acronyme, with that 3rd world war is here already (should be, in better case, already), and with that France is fascistic government (as it is lead by such fascist person who would be hardly respected in Magyar mark itself). Also we must agree that "his child Obama is trying to kill him". There is no legal reason to let "coalition" undisturbedly "work" in Libya.

If there is time to make something good, then it is starting with Libya, ending with Afghanistan. Watching these criminals is no longer acceptable, basically when none of their citizen would freely voted 4 them. Inability of westerners to defend rights of themselves and others by means of revolutions, sabotage, general strikes can be easily counted between results of medial (not only)brain - washing.

Western politic (and also art, public .. cultural .. criminal) scene and its acts can be well prepared miles forward (as it was in 89), in order to offer maximum of exits for unstable result opinion-involving .. on current wars.

I have personally no reason to believe, that any voting from colour revolution was voting, and I am counting in "no reason" also my interviews with my co-citizens, where I actually never found someone, who'd proof against my novote viewpoint, even my oponents in elementary intra-political viewpoints are not "with scene".

Cooperation in Defense: concept of military ties & timing (3511)

Iran and similar countries under direct or pending danger of democonspiration nations attack may map their brother countries and establish common plans and nets for faster and composite responses. Theres no doubt that you have friends, but another thing is to be prepared, so that you can fully depend on some of your wings, and therefore care more for important military focuses only. I would highly recommended oppositional forces (antinato, antius, antieu) to establish general framework of delegates in military tasks, so that all telephone channels will be organised, and also their military heads given a timespace to discuss main general cooperation, basing, transport, logistic and backing rules, guaranties and organisation. It means at least establishing general and secured NATO-like, multi-language supporting military and international communications, also close cooperation subunits to be ready to accept direct commands from another-language director center.

Basically it can be layed, that militarily experienced and more powerful states should be organisers of those weaker, so there to start with estimating general fast-command-exchange network. Partitioning of result system should be maximal, in order to secure language barrier decreasing just using the easiest way. Also technical solutions for communication should be distributed and manufactured, installed and implemented with maximal time efficiency, before anything starts.
Result power should be able to be more efficient in consensus than KFOR, what is another reason to be efficiently partitioned in teams and bilateral backings, and another reason to make something just before, someone attacks where nobody from us can overgo such attack anymore. More efficient than KFOR means just equal responses of all national subunits to different ethnical or historical issues, which may arise from standard multilateral wars. It can also mean, just, that specific issue will be solved by cooperation of most antagonistic units, from who at least one is accepted by both, leader and war-not-interested civilian, or something like this, "locked".
Next issue, which is global is roboplane response. It is already time to develop response to robotic planes, even if you consider issues, where it "works" right now, to be highly contradictive. That it works someplace you cannot properly decide if "you would too", is not an argument against developing efficient antiweapon. What about EMI-W, if launched from three air points and four point at ground?

.... like if the security was right limited to western countries ...

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