Sexual departement statement

27. května 2011 v 15:56 | BannedLuluQuag |  Anima
If you, westerners are such emancipated, why should we, boys, take any iniciative in girl matching. Until we get mail with back address, we don't recognize source of message as individual. Because when we are in social network, its like every girl is opened to talk with us, while when we leave there mail address, and remove account, all those "warm" relations seem as we never existed. This indicates that we must strike, and discommunicate everyone, who doesn't bother to initiate contact by sending regular email. Social network community is a failed concept, and all relations there are second grade of virtuality. This is directly the same as we, boys in west, enjoy in real society. Women behave as emancipated, while they are not capable to create any initiative. Also society has some passive mechanisms, in other words they obfuscate fake woman initiative by collectively propagating sexual activity in inactive members space. That is the same as with facebook and email, and we are not going to participate, until women resignate on their fake emancipated position, until they make real emancipation, including retaking real initiative, and forgetting subversive position to men, and until women begin to think, instead of becoming more and more materialistic and empty individuals full of hateress, passivity to world's issues, self underestimating, and aggresive manner of relations instead of searching respect, and teaching one from other instead propagation of individual half-coherent ideologies. Western girls are worst example of forgetting all humanitarian iniciative, and of compromising all traditional values on behalf of fake visions taken from status ideology. We are not really interested in girls who value themselves as like the others only as sexual targets, who use sexual partners ratio as self-consciousness basement, and who believes there is no matter for girl to think. We don't regard such unintellectual just-sexual girls as human beings, and we are not going to be sexually attracted to someone, who considers labels and labeling topmost value of human project. We are strictly opposed to what you call sexual revolution, and we are sincerely disgusted that such beings are born with sexual mechanisms built in. Sexual attractivity is not thing of body structure, and people openly taking sexuality as first and last value behind social targeting and labeling are not attractive by nature, as they suppose, they are sexually disgusting, which is only natural reaction at place. Women of west should recalculate what they achieved, because on contrary what they suppose, they hopt in deep hole of slavery, adopting violent strategies of mating and living. Until they achieve their own and fully individual emancipation, and until they will begin and win fight against machistic men style of thinking they adopted recently, they are inattractive. Attractive woman is woman individuality, self shaped, and able to teach and be teached, under siege of mutual evaluation of logic, value reevaluation, and social values adopting, recyclating, enchancing, clearing, and pushing repaired out again. Passive material family adopting resolutions from sexually despotic magazines is not what we are interested, and we reject to have children under any conditions. All superstars are just idiots, without space for compromisive remark or addition. We are not tought by TV, we do not consider TV sincere source of anything, and we do not consider any publicly accepted opinion as our own, until we make a judgement ourselves. If you are woman without own judge on everything, we don't regard you as potentional partner, nearly we not regard you the same kind of animal, neither we regard you at least animal. Such woman is just our ignorelist, and we will always strike back on you to see, that you are not attractive. Untill you, women, build your own position, and until you regard mens design as your own, we will show you deep sexual disgust, more deep, when you will try to mask your subversivity by virtual attractivity enchancing. That means we will show more disregard to your physical attractivity, more you will work just on it. We will no more support you in emancipation, we will just show you most black mirror, more passive insult, until you start to percieve your real value, spiritual one. Without spirit we just turn a blind eye on your body. You should finally notice, that you are not unreadable page, as men suggested here, and we are not going to practice old gentleman scenarios, because it helped you to fall deeper into men designed ideology of your perception and values. There is a great capacity of women in intellectual space, and even if you wish to be stupid, until you advocate yourself by general phrases, you are as without visible body for us. We will wait you to speak, and without hearing you, we will not look at you. Like this, we rejected your masked subversion a passivity, and you will understand what was value of this statement, only when you grow strong from what they told you is "pretty" or "good" design of mind. Current culture propagates humanity goals up to age of 15, and then it rejects even basic justice as idealistic perceptions. That's all connected with defective estate of womens spirit, and we cannot reply else, than by insulting you by disregarding your body culture, even if you have really good taste for dressing. Your body and dress needs to get zero value, and so we will oversee you actively, whenever you try explicitly to take a place in eye. From now, we regard only what you tell, and neither we initiate speaking. That's crucial lesson, because your attack on Muslims, and namely attack of so called emancipated women, was crucial abuse and lie. After you will be emancipated, and after 15 of 10 of your words will be regarded as words with meaning and source, then you can consider something about Muslim women. Like now you just participated on capitalist and neocolonialist strategies by agreeing with that Muslims are degrading their womens freedom by traditional dress, which is a lie, and which falsely appears as you have achieved some partial freedoms. This is big and very wrong step, which you made unconscioussly. That it was unconscioussly, is not for your advocation, but just for directing you under subconsciouss attack, properly designed, to insult, until you reflect your real position, instead of pro-war ideologies. We regard just those stupid women, who reject intelligence for practical goal, conscioussly, and we regard just those intelligent women, who count on their intelligence instead of appeal. Currently, mayority of western women is nothing to regard, except those women, who still were, are and will be laughed, for their look, style, personality or poverty. The less social status western girl has, the more she deserves shield and regards. Shame on you women who mistake your chains to be your wings. Anyways shame on anyone who considers sexual act to be useful to have term for.

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