Strange search part II: evolution of sources

13. května 2011 v 16:02 | Mixee |  1. الأمن
Richard M. Salesman failed from objectivity viewpoint. "Islamic burial procedures were carefully planned months in advance, and the burial took an hour, including prayers from an Islamic cleric, a body washing, and burial within twenty-four hours of death. If the U.S. had killed Adolph Hitler in 1945, would it have been "moral" to handle the body "respectfully," to bury it in "strict conformance with Nazi precepts and practices," and while quoting from Mein Kampf?". Doubts, if criminal deserves respectful burial can be overseen in some cases, but directly declaring blind war against "Muslims", while even shitting comparation of Qu'Ran to Mein Kampf on their heads as main accusation. And constantly marking them as evil in itself... It's visible that US propaganda is working properly: give them black president, burn Qu'Ran, and they will declare war to Muslims, in order to understand incorrectly, that they have nothing against black people. But they have, similarly as they can accuse whole Arab race, including half of India of genetic-cultural predestination to Evil, with marking usual book: Qu'Ran as most evil one. Look Mr. Salesman. You stand as good information source, you have complex sight. But regarding your O.O.O. article I am not able to read anything from you anymore. If you consider that first part of your famous bible is just absolutely the same text as Qu'Ran, if you omit some few details, as that your God is Jahve, and their Allah, and if you omit that for them your Jesus is at least Prophet, while for you he's tool of demonstration of some "issue for stupids", then there is not much more differences. Bible part 1. and Qu'Ran are just similar texts, go and ask Jewish people, and they will in general agree, and get bit angry. You lost a reader. Shitting at whole culture and speaking for war against it, while omitting that under your AntiEvil indeology war there is more than hudreths of millions just poor civilians living their happy and bit stupid always life without making anything else than reading news cause by people like you, you just disregard third of world population, marking them as erasable. Hope to never read byte from you. "The Capitalist".
See previous round to R.M.S objectivity case

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