Urgent note to UN

13. května 2011 v 15:54 | Minimehrah |  1. الأمن
You failed, and illegally NATO continues. Your second chance, or you are compromised forever. You call NATO immediatelly to get out from Libya. You know nothing about "Rebels", and you will not next decades. that's sure. NATO uses depleted uranium to protect civilians? Rebels fire one rocket after one, from Jeeps, and "Quaddafi has not proper missiles from Russia?". What does it mean "necessary measures", and what does it mean "no fly zone"? You have to make new resolution, considering JUST reason of Mr. Ahmadinejad: until its units just creating food and medical corridors, its not neutrals. We need neutrals in Libya, not NATO. NATO is backing to unidentified site, which is US, of course. We are not interested if it was Quaddafi or not, who killed 200 initial victims: there are different stories, and really more important issues to consider, if you are REALLY taking civilian victims in account. What Obama's government is trying to achieve with NATO, is just building its stupid base in Libya, in any measures necessary for that: if rebels are Nazi, who want to kill 70% (of socialistisch) Libyan people, NATO will back THEM. So you will make new resolution, where NATO mission can be described as failed, and you turn you TENDER sincerelly to persons described by Mr. Iranian president, who is not almost, but always TRUE. NATO is not your units. It is not UN, and it doesn't respect UN in any ways. Its our fucking western white league warmaschine, and if we may appear otherwise than Hitler, stop that from any appearance in Africa for next three years. Or do you rather allow them to do their populistic pro-Obama shit at that cost? Take them away, allow Russians and Chinese to back your resolution, and send in KFOR, if EU really wants to help, at least KFOR, again, with no interference: but make exception from Kosovo experience. Let KFOR backup civilans, if there is genocide on the way. That's purely enough and all for UN. If you make different decision, you properly failed, and you have no right to live except JAILS. If you allow NATO for GO, after what shown until now, I hope someone assasinates all UN staff. After all, making resolution to give them more power? By your response, actions, on this text, you determine next long term image of UN. If you got paid a lot, and you fail, consider hard opinion response, including at least 74 different countries marking you officially and also blogly as Nazi-Fake organisation. I am very serious: NATO is for such amount of countries Terrorist, and West is for half of such amount, for now, Racist Colonial power. What image you will give UN? I give my full respect and belief in Russia, in case of Libya. Because land securing investments secures also people, and tries to hold its image, while countries like EU or USA, which have nothing else common with Libyans then murdering of Quaddafi's family slowly, will entirely destroy anything, and before all incomfort civilians. U, UN.

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