AlQuahtafi & mercenaries: tracing analysis

10. června 2011 v 11:29 | PiNews |  1. الأمن
"Mercenaries in Quahtafi forces" actually is not lie fabricated by western US backed media. It is genuine interlibya pro-rebel propaganda, or if you wish CIA invention, second "patch" on media fabrication of "attacking civilians". After pro-Kadafi demonstrations were sniped by unknown entities, what was refabricated by media into "Kadafi attacks anti-Kadafi riots", for what there is sufficient proofs (flag video), next portion of desinformated people could be grabbed for support of rebels, by appealing on their possible rasism. Because not in each city it was possible to fabricate genuine false revolution, or genuine false "attacks of Gaddafi", it was possible to mark fear in such cities, pointing at usual black workers, that they are kind of secret Gaddafi's army. So actually that western media left this message / of mercenaries - free, was just CIA or whichevers NATO's prerequisity-workforces mistake: definitely if media-CIA plot was in-depth made, there would be no message of "Gazzafis black mercenaries" in western media, because this accusation would be just better, if isolated for internal Libyan usage. It's without doubts, that this fabrication came from racist propaganda wing of L-KLA*, and was aimed at rebel forces widening, or that it was "quicktime" idea of some CIA - without much strategical measures adopted by pentagon's general observation circle, what would ensured better cooperation between InterLibya-PsyOps and InterWest-medial-propaganda-and-desinformation. There is no other way than considering western media to fail at desinformation campaign, because of Pentagon-Sarkozi planning and organisation failure, showing, that there will be much more coordination and cooperation problems between L-KLA and CIA in future. And there is no other way than considering mercenary message to be just blind medial copy if PsyOps interlibyan slogan into pan-west NATO-disinformation -medial- campaign. Finally it's no doubt, that mercenary message was to attract racist minorities of Libya into war "against Gaddafi" by "legitimizing" any measures in several cities taken against black people: resulting in localised genocides by pro-rebel youth and rebel-seniors, resulting in rapes etc. There is then no doubt, that Gaddafi army didn't ever raped, or whatever rebel-genuine it is accused from. So there is enough evidence connecting racist-slaughtery with western media and Pentagon-Sarkozi plan, as there is enough evidence against NATO regarding clusterbombs, as there is enough evidence of racism in France, US and Britain, as there is enough evidence on false Pentagon data about Gazzafi and Airstrikes, as there is enough evidence of assasinations to DPRK embassy and to civilan-Gazzafi complex, as there is enough evidence that Gaddafi is popular compared to nazi-terrorist of Libya, defraudants Obama and Sarkozi or Cameron, as there is enough evidence on number of civilans killed by NATO doesn't correspond in units with NATO and UN reports, as there is enough evidence of TNC orders to burn genocide victims, as there is enough evidence UN, ICC, UNSCR and WPA being in fact abused. Also notice, that UN worked its resolution above medial crap - without any hard evidence, as it would be when UN and KFOR was directly involved in country.

* let's call it L-KLA, [Libyan - Kosovo Liberation Army] instead of "rebels", since, as in Syria it has nothing to do with internal politics, and it tends to turn that state to next Kosovo, atl least, not regarding its people anyways

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