What happened to police of Zintan and Al Bayda.

27. června 2011 v 15:57 | PiNews |  1. الأمن
Burning police stations is way to secure smaller militant groups basement in cities. Burning radio and TV stations improves western media influence on local people. Freeing 1000 nonpolitical prisoners and extensive bank robberies just illustrates the two previous facts. Using police stations to imprison black imigrant workers just opens a view to following/ongoing racial executions by rats. At beginning HRW estimated first 100 victims, mostly immigrant workers and police officers, what puts western media under blame of war crimes. In Al Bayda continuous executions of civil people was used to request weapons from military base. Fear is used to control Benghazi, as rats hang civil oposition around on trees and lamps, while mass executions of children, women and black workers are held on metal cars such as containers and tanks, where living bodies without hands and legs are immediatelly cremated, as metal containers allow to hide any evidence easily. Also some army officers joined, already reportedly AlQuaeda, providing them minimal amount of heavy and light weaponry, what may point that most of weapons is imported by both NATO ships and some neighbor countries. Notice that heavy weaponry mounted to cars is smuggling-friendly: it is constructed to be easily hidden, transported and completed instantly. With deep doubts this weaponry could be "engineered home", on Libya territory. Also these guns are very specialised, so that it is very probable, that it was at least developed by US, UK and France. Later in Derna group enlarged its vehicle park by 250 military engines. Until this time Reuters, AP and even AlJazeera left few objective messages, which puts into suspection western proamerican states public censorship, instead of "all media bought". It may be few biggest media bought, and all state media across Europe censored by state to support mass killing and US presidency agenda. 21st February British government states that Gaddafi escaped to South America, and that he used air strikes against protesters. The first sentence was used to proove the second one, and the second one still legitimizes NATO thread against civil population of Libya. Now even Clinton and Rasmussen repeat the second one, without any intelligence and evidence given to public, while counterevidence on most of their claims is huge and constantly comming. First responsible in this disinformation is William Hague. Russian spy-satellite-proof of no air strikes is not even necessary, taking all this story down to here. Up to 22/2 220 people died, most of them still police and army officers, pro-government protesters from Benghazi, policemen and black people. While US Pakistan agent Davis was giving biological and nuclear weapon intelligence to Pakistan AlQuaeda, Britain requested whole intervention/nofly LIB-operation while, conscioussly doing both: repeating desinformation, and planning to abuse UNSR 1973-2011. Politicians started rumor about genocide to gain UN approval of intervention, while conscioussly planning to join only conductor of genocide, the rats of Benghazi, already that time reported as "former" AlQuaeda by WT/AP/Reuters. France then attacks both governments of Ivory Coast and of Libya, trespassing international law and commiting crimes against souvereignity and humanity, using long term precedents of extrajudicial killings from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Iran, Syria, Yugoslavia or Cuba. March 26 Hasidi, rat leader, repeats that there are links between AQ and LR. SB and KCS report also rebel military leaders defected from government who joined AlQathafi in 1969 are long time assets of CIA. Algeria reports AlQuaeda smuggles stolen weapons from Libya all around, including Mali. "France rejects" Hugo Chavez mediation. "US rejects" Saif AlQuathafi offer for public votes controlled by UN. France instead increased strikes. US approved drones. Rebels advert mass executions, lynch law. Reportedly 70 Sudanese workers killed by axes. AlQuathafi urged UN to send fact finding missions, not really governments of UK, US or France, they had obviously different "task" in Libya, than "humanitarian".


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