Libya and Yugoslavia II: Analysis, NATO steps prediction

24. srpna 2011 v 15:43 | PiNews |  1. الأمن
Briefly on Hitlerite strategies planted against Libya

Some prerequisities to whole of next impulsive decisions
First what took place apparently, was developing medial framework at CIA and delivering that to Pentagon. Next was testing it over Tunisia, before it can be fully employed against Iran, because until that point old mechanisms were running against Iran, which just kept long-term bias upon souvereign country, and some "decisive" social bomb should replace those misery long term apparatus.

From bringing Greece to Tunisia to bringing Bahrain to Rome
Tunisia was selected because no imperial power was much interested in current, nor in further leadership or future of country. Now comes unexpected evolution, a turn: Tunisia took little bit Iranian direction, what, in combination with food prices and social insecurity, which prevail in puppet commonwealth countries, lead to spreading of revolution, and combined with evolutions in Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia or Quatar, it just fed flames of revolution anywhere. So trying to turn unexpected bug into opportunity Sarkozi, Merkel, Obama and Cameron, with their decisive military-industry complex masters made a discussion in Bahrain.

From hiding to medializing
They found that if from small mistake in Tunisia - was big fire, so that maybe in big fire they could hide new small fire - Libya. Now NATO and Hillary - old Pentagon bedfellows came with great plan: lets employ Yugoslavian pattern again: if there is only "underground" rumors about Kosovo, after great piece of history was wiped out and justice turned inside-out, in such great fire there will be not even underground, and not even rumours, after Libya will be processed in two-grade Kosovar scenario. First part of scenario is medializing terrorists as leaders of humanity, and trying to enjoy quick military destruction of regime.

From IT differences to differences between Socialist Serbs and Yamahirian Muslims
After it is apparent, that regime is aligned toughly with its people, second part of scenario is employed: terrorising of people into reversion of opinion. This is also failed point, because Yugoslavian pattern does not fit properly: there is much more information between terorised people (which is compared to us and our information only decisive factor on the ground - we, the opposing, governments, rumoring, accusing and stating, international laws and resolutions, that all is not as important as how are people on the ground able to share informations). Also it is very proper to say, that Serbs, just like other Slavonians, are pretty consume, dependent, opened to indiscriminate influence - we simply lack community, opinion, common and REAL beliefs (not only religious), and our unity is pretty artificial: based just on paper history, medical race and scholarly-degenerated language. On the other side jews just like arabs, or muslims, if you wish, are pretty social people, generally. So pattern of Yugoslavia simply doesn't apply there.

From hollywood surprises to ugly stereotypes
And conclusion? This doesn't mean, that we won. Even if NATO looses, it doesn't mean this. Because second grade of Yugoslavian scenario also includes materialization of guilt on leaders. So we should be prepared, that someone massacres lots of people in Libya now, just to pin it on single colonel-head. Notice, pleace, that this part of scenario has some attributes corresponding to "hollywood victory" rumour, which already is current. In this moment narrow your eyelids, and agree with me: tomorrow NATO finishes everything, surprisingly. We will be pretty happy. And just by the way NATO concludes in some statement, that six to nine civilians were killed in NATO strikes, and every else victim will be accounted to so called "Gazzafi mozduran" or "Gaddafi mortazaka", with lot of evidence emerging, mostly CIA and rebel sources, and very accountable source like this. Simply we will face it with "what? they will try to claim this stupid lies?". I mean, yes, they most probably will, or is it more probably, that they accept not only failure, but also criminality? Hardly so.

From low medialised numbers to claimed WMDs, invasion and assasination attempts
They musn't do anything. They just claim all the old lies, bring few unjust new "witnesses" and "proofs" - and all the rest will be medial. Around me, I know lot of people who would just accept that NATO killed 3 civilans in Libya, and those people ain't stupid! They just read what most of people reads - they are just passive consumers of news, victims of stable channels. Only thing I don't know, how they continue, after they hollywoodly win, murdochly establish justice and continue their successfull home politics. Will they wait for next ten years (with occassionally conspiring assasinations) to bomb Libya again? Most probably they continue with Iraqi scenario in Libya. Who knows.

From Karadzics and Irans equal opinion on ICT to replacing "brainwashed" with "enemy"
But what I was to tell, after briefing probable development of strategies, was, that Serbs simply failed as nation. Yes I take it, that they are convinced still about true truth, and that times were different in terms of information, and that what could they do: it was like Karadzic's wife ... take son in prison, and she beg him to die in Haag. It's nothing wrong on that, except, that she made step back for Evil to go forward. The same Serbs: would they stood behind their truth, there would be KLA people in prisons today, and maybe Kosovo autonomous already, too. All the victims of NATO stood proudly against fake Haag court, what enforced and revamped dignity of Serbs. True, Arabs are in this direction (UN, Haag, NATO, GB) much better prepared. In czech communist teachbook of history for grammar schools there is written, that so called UN is just an Orwellian instrument. But it is discontinued teachbook, discontinued terminology. But read random statement from arab world ... and you get pretty similar sentence about UN. Why it is discontinued? Simply because whole West enjoys enmity against bright prospects of Arab world. And enemies who need to look humanitarian when massacring their victims pretty well care to deliver brainwashed crowds into their industrial prisons: so that it is hard to find western man considering UN from UN-oppressed nations terminology. It is not only desire of western leadership, to brainwash, it also has no logic to consider UN evil - when it always fight "some bad Arabs", and never "democracies of west". In this case mistake of Frau Clinton and NATO analysts in Pentagon is apparent: they selected pattern basing on deduction, that Yugoslavia and Yamahiria start on same character, and both are socialist, and isolated. They concluded, that both nations are pretty vulnerable if someone is going to violently impose second version of history upon them. But damned Arabs! Neither socialism isolates them, neither propaganda makes them stupid and neither hard laws make them hope for US liberties. Anyway noone compares Serbs to Rebels or NATO... both Yg and Yh people got direct looses from those powers... their difference is only in receptivity to humiliation and vulnerability of truth - in strength.

Three practical points, last implemented also by three practical points
But be prepared for some combination of Hollywood and Real Massacres. Ok, maybe its time to employ hypertourism antiwar scenario. "If you pay me avion I will tent in Tripoli" - legion of suicidious tourists. In any case make three step upgrade of movie publishing from ground: anyone in Libya make even random movie shots, who knows what you catch pt.1; select some points and servicemen to quickly download movies from devices to single disc pt.2; centralise gathering to some people who will go through movies, and prepare "incident" and "reality" shows and who will publish it pt.3; like this people will have free memory cards more offten, and important shots will be recognized... also it will be no problem to have every single frame marked by place and time, and serviceman, so that it will be even without burocracy possible somehow to identify source of movie in case of importance, just by memory of subscribed lowest serviceman.

Another prediction
It is to be heard, that after brainwashing campaign of NATO fails, NATO will openly attack Libya opening way for correct slogans: because if they failed to lie, they will absolutely try to align people with their true goals, somehow biased still, before they must take third chance openly attacking both countries and their own people on west. In other words there will be "ok, we lied. but look: we need this and we can assure you that also this and that we can achive, while simply stealing, we can take better care for our victims, than their own leaders...", before they will have to start with "hey look bastards, we absolutely don't care of you, and neither you can decide to be or not to be our soldier" - with big protest and even greater repressions and police state violence. And even between this "hey look" phase and current "we continue evident lies until it is consumed by mayority" is long field, where mayority perhaps or perhaps not will shrink to few. So before opened aggression against civilian people of Libya starts, there is lot of place, which US and EU governments will utilize to check if brainwashing-recievers is still prevailing mayority. Note my terminology also: I don't consider this to be opened aggression, because people are still successfully managed to provide mayority support to government lies. Also I am not speaking of making decisions in NATO. This is very important, because yes, by the court NATO people are also responsible, from top generals to last niruye havai ahle fan, but the planners, organizers, ideologues and managers of this aggression are absolutely top emplyees of western powers, from president to last MP and MPA.

Final notes
Our strategy could be to pretend "satisfied citizens", when current phase is "observation of truth marginality", it was evidently tried on And nothing happened, I guess. Except that got surprise momentum, which can be well employed in press war, when holding truth. But it's like "Gaddafi will win when he steps down to decrease casualties". No, definitely it is great loose then, because he is supposed "not to speak a word" after stepping down, what is what TNC and FrUKUS requires from Libyan democracy at first place. Democracy in Libya equals Gaddafi scrapped from basic human rights, in western and prowestern official terminology. Or whatever should it mean "not to show in political scene anymore", when declared by "biggest powers" (or loosers) and minority of "locals" - Afghans, Iraqis, Quattaris, Albanians, MI6 and Mosad etc (international mixture usually called Libyan Rebels, mixture abusing only young boys between 8 and 26 to extend its ethnical spectre with native Libyans).

Decisive factors in Serbian case
Conspiration planted in Yugoslavia by Chroatian CIA
Weakness of Serbian unity
Defeat of Serbs by removing both: Truth and memories on Humiliation
CIA draft on Serbia planted as law-observed history, using EU governments, always ready to limit freedom of opinion by "persecution of revisionism"


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