You could suppose some fresh news about how bad this service is. No, It is pretty good service if you do know what to use it for. I am not that lucky. For me facebook is just like if I had synchrotrone in my garden: I can't find any usage for it. My negative reason for sign out totally is just social one: not all friends you meet there again are "secure to meet again", not every information my friends produce is what I need to know, I can't stay in illusion - having huge insight into my friends lives, and being in no contact on the other side ... then past friendships feel like slavery. Also there is huge reporting of redundant activity of friends, which I am not comfortable to be informed of, and lot of simple, annoying applications which abuse information in order to make you install them. In short I am not quite a fan of TV football, neither am I fan of passive friendship (insight illusion covered few rows above), and finally I am not familiar with killing time with too stupid games and quizes. Final reason is, that facebook kind of social contact, method of it, which is by my opinion mainly developed by chaos, redundant information and low-cost messaging (sending email is Subject of reason, sending message on facebook is Setting a value to property = e.g. throwing waste to the forest). I am also pretty satisfied with old-fashioned forum systems much more now - less comfort system provides, more I am feeling secure, at home, and not confronted, enslaved. I am also probably finishing all experiments with web social services. Also I hope I will get back some more concentration with this (and probably another and other) step. Bye facebook.
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