Anticorruption Ministry Causi

13. května 2011 v 16:20 | Reflegyz |  Novus
Anticorruption Ministry Causi: There were three important public opinions on Jiri John and his "I don't meet Mr. Intime in my teambuilding ambitions, neither I feel smelly anticorruption moods in ruling site". First shown this demonstrative step as simple proof that new "AM" institution had its leader JJ before it had some parameters, program, size, and mandates. Simply it was just replacement of his money-spring when police smelt very quickly that he's absolutely incompetent zero in Intern Ministry. And yes, someone who kills police moral as a first step, showing only arrogance as possible realtion to police staff, that's not someone to organize, and not really reform Policia. And really police was just dead meat under this person: you could steal your neighbors daughter and sell it morning at a next doors, or break anything in city: reaction of police zero, because money for police zero. That's simple equation. In such corrupted state I consider only police to be basement of state. Because without police, now, this state wouldn't notice any difference if you sent all government to Moon on whole year. Simply government is doing real and absolute nothing, and I am not speaking in hyperbolas, its just mathematical description of what government does, and finally what birocracia is tought by government to do. Take away Police, and there is seven military bands on every village, fighting from early morning for neighbors doughters to rape. Just try it: suspend police for weekend, and call it test. For start material damages will grow over 1/4 GDP in such funny weekend, and death bill will be just as if you make sum of twelve year death bills. I know, you must divide both numbers to halves, maybe twice, to meet real number. Me not, I am 4x bigger sceptic. And you are pessimist. Notice, that its something wrong, when its agreed by public, that police is stupid shit. In good times, and with good people, police is worse job at all, and most regarded post at all. Good people value policeman as number one. It's no argument, that there is corruption, because there is failure in government making policeman corruptable - small money always make a liar, always make a lazy, and halvely makes a thief. Everyone becomes cannibal under specified conditions. Exceptions who are rather killed and eated maybe search cannibals in even better circumstances. I don't agree that czech police is lazy, I just think that Mr. JJ had to take their money out, and had no right to offer different source, and had no insight of how to make police efficient, so that he used personal insult to all the police staff, that they are incompetent lazies. But dear Mr. Television Justice, were you once at least on police pages? I consider their work very good, and their output and transparency very advanced. If some of your political institutions had such informative pages as police has, and if some of your departements would have such comprehensible outputs as police year and month diagrams (even weekend diagrams), then noone could mark politics as stupid and lazy. Until you use personal insult, istead of helping police body to prosper and breath well, you are just stupid puppet, with even no sense for reality. At least that insult if you didn't used. But you did, and so you lost all of my belief that you are at least "normal incompetent". Even in-depth corrupted policeman did at least one good thing for one or more citizens in troubles, what did you? You just got paid for being moderator of someone elses reportages, and even if you did some reportage yourself, you got paid, and also you got information from some of your TV information collectors, and who finally solved everything? Yes, TV Nova always claims, that it solves something unlike birocrats, but it doesn't, finally police and judges must do a hard and stupid, dangerous work. You just smell a stuff your TV fans phone you, and you sort it for public, to be easily rememberable, so that everyone will bother institutions instead of you. And so on. I am very serious: even policeman who just solved single pocket-theftry and after being drunk and driving, and killing old hag bag he was fired, even such is transparently little good. But you? As politician? We are not living in fairy tale, where TV mod of "Justice commando" night show when passed to "Police chief" will be "Justice machine". Even if you would really been good journalist, it just then contradicts that you are good at internal police functions. Why? Even if you are crime scene Pulitzer chain-winner you maybe don't understand what is gun for. And good agent for police body into government must know exactly what every policeman knows, only detective work he musn't understand much concretelly (because noone is Neurochir, Kardiochir and Psychopharm specialist at once, while being good as every kind of operational assistant). So you do well if you argue your Chefo, because he told that you did your IM sit very well. You didn't, and if you are narrow back, you argue, if someone accuses you falsely, but also if someone abuses you by telling false compliments. If you want to make your image back, get hell out of Res Publica site, go e.g. to Greens, and take some Human Rights or Minority specialist place. If you have capability for this, and you success with some weak but good-team party, then you will retire from your current fast-cooked bad image. RP is absolute loosy party. You will not meet anyone of them after votes in parliament, let's bet. Final note: absolute zero with police job is always greater human being than most of absolute last two decade Czech politics. There's like two or three, mostly forgotten or even epelled for unright accusations in "big causas", who were good people, not regarding how good politicians. Good politician and bad man is no apologize. Its shit.

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