Barack Obama is a Black Hitler, next Adolf on scene. Every murderer has nice and well accepted votes, and mostly campains of such nature. There was the same problem with Hitler: Nobel prize, Orwells complaints that Hitler was too long recognized as perfect gentleman by UK. USA is at least sixty years old totalitarian bankrupted monarchy using heavy techniques as microwave, tanks and sharp amunition against inter-U-S protesters, usually. I'm not sure of tanks, only. May we salute? I hope not. End. By the way, for humanity oriented people, U-S government is recognized as usual failed, criminal, perverse, chronic and war thirsty, rasistic government, since Nagasaki. Fuck off high school history lessons, where Hiroshima is "fine tuned gestum, act of negotiation, common against too bad enemy". Fuck such brainwashed classes of geography, Mr. Teacher 007-Democracy. Go and make your shop sell you milk in glass. Fuck Czech brainwashing schools. I reject my diploma, because I don't recognize nor even one of things they tought me, to be true. I don't have grammar school. Hello, silly fasists. Barack: best to be shot by first general, from front, twice.
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