You, ICC have a "strong evidence"? You have some independent observers in Libya? Or you have NATO satelite pictures contradicting Russian satelite pictures? Or some of US-prepaid Mujjahedin-IRAQ "rebels" who "escaped" Libyan army with keys of arm stocks can approve orders from ALQuathafi against civilians? So we need names of victims, from you, complete list, we also need names of soldiers working out the attacks, and we need some direct evidence, as tapes or phone calls, as another proof. From start US and UK media lied about airstrikes against Libyans, if not, then Russia will be on the court with NATO, and all contradictory will be judged, just before you order to arrest anyone. By the way, you are not having no evidence, you are just making way to NATO to go ground, even if it is against UN security, you will approve this, and they will be able to continue their propaganda in TV and News against European and American people. You, ICC, just play small, well paid role in big disinformation agenda. You just inviting NATO to playground, where lies in news will cover steps against UN resolutions, and you know that. Moreno Ocampo: you are first in near post war courts, who will be jailed, for corruption. You have no evidence, you are just working with crowds and lies. If there will be third world war from what you are helping to grow, I will be happy to shoot you dead, as a usual war criminal, as for example Rassmusen, Bush or whoever from CIA. You just stood in their line of criminals, sorry for THAT judge. This will be your judge from public. Expect it. You don't deserve my regards anymore. You are corrupted, directly working on US (NATO) agenda. Fuck your oil interests, Moreno Occampo. From now, you are first direct figure of Shame, and you deserve the same name, as those who massacred small gipsy girl by molotov in Czech Republic not so far ago.
Or just admit that you commited brainwashing mannouvre by your "request" in order to devastate Libya yet more, and resignate. That would be same appropriate, as all "allies" commiting suicide, Queen of UK inclusive.