Securing Iran was what preceeded fully recovering full routs to image of what is happening in and to Libya. Now, even if we just omit current developments in Libya, it is very clear, that security thread from west is really allocated over Arab world as a Whole, if we consider purely inability of west to align its racist ego with prosperity and natural calm of Arab world, but also it must be noticed, that west, due to its ideology of selfsustainability and deprecacy of different establishments, and due to further isolation from rest of world failed to be standalone, and in reality is in urgent need of being forced between least developed countries, to profit and live again. So this second, with western "economical crisis", developed after west called on jews to be a reason, and so with western's incapability to perform fair and effective trade, the danger can be also connected. Maybe it is racist, maybe it can't forget its ego and ask for help, and maybe so it wants kind of neocolonialism and so wars, to profit again "as a powerful and no weak one". That's question. But information in both, in self-isolation/ideology, and in disinformation/distrust/faking image of isolated countries stays generally the focus of security thread. In this way I give my vote to that International Muslim Council should take a hardwork to return global situation to normal. Reparations are no mean until information space is transparent, disregard who made it unclear and why. Muslims as whole and as consensus should take big portion of what I supposed to be "Irans way out". I consider really Iran to be the nearst victim, but there are constant victims too, and further possible also, so that steps taken by Iran should be materialised also in Muslim, general. I consider, on reparations, to be of basic importance to produce free, online and multilanguage works on history, of distinct states. E.g. having detailed history of Iran and Iraq and their historical ties, and current issues would helped west a lot, to stabilize its perception in tolerable proportions. Right now, there is absolutely nothing known except some hidden specialists, who do not want or cannot speak, in west, so making some Pan-Arab, by Muslim and traditional values driven history papers, and also some short "cookie" QA, would cleared west from most of its propaganda delivered mismatches and false duties. I don't think that summing, in the first stance, all of sins on a paper and sending it to EU or Haag would be good step. Better would be to offer western intellectuals and religion people material, from which to make just the same Haag list, but themselves. Building association map of global western consciousness while knowing it will be painful as II.ww was, rather help with material, than build it for west as "accute request". But yes, making some consensual "Hey, please, stop and look", while showing enough of abstract, is perfectly necessary, I guess (as situation's speed is incontrollable, while we maybe slept whole row of years of incontrollable "Afghanistans" all over globe). But whatever, I consider US to be in front of all, for responsibilities. It is represive state to its members, and it causes its military and populistic, ideologic incarnation. I would guess Russia was ever the "reacting power". For US are always disbelieving anyone else, and making unilateral steps. But I don't know, I was never in Taliban, so hard to scratch Afghan history from my land, where Afghanistan was for long time land "where USA is treating terrorists"... and where few of us knew, that before it was pretty calm agriculture and music land (so that it is visible without basic knowledge, that something wrong is on "USA helping them" concept.
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