At least Russia gave offical thanks to Pakistan, for liquidation of AlQuaeda leader. We know, maybe it was not OBL, and maybe he was killed years before, or maybe he just never existed, or maybe there is no AlQuaeda except of one doors in CIA, or maybe OBL is facebook nick of GWB... but in such hard times, when Pakistan services really try hard with terror and p2p-murdering (party to party), ISI workers will get rid of deep depression if they are thanked even if they don't know properly for what... But "something happened" and "you did something", describes their long term people damages, and nation depression (notice that PAK has biggest economical problems we can understand... not really Somalia, where they "are maybe used to")... Not being used to suffer means react with chaos and violence, and in such strategical land it means direct invitation to USA fascists ("looking these Afghans, they should all die": usual "peacekeeper" trained for such thinking from early grades of school).
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